Well after only a couple of hours (but very intensive hours) of shopping I have my dress on order!
I tried on 5 dresses in Monsoon, 3 traditional wedding dresses and 2 bright dresses, after this I was leaning to the Bright Bright pink one. We then went to Debenhams to see the one I had liked previously (and may I say by far the cheapest of the lot) and once I tried that on, everyone was saying "Oh yes, thats the best by far" so I was going to buy it but of course it being a wedding dress they only had one size 12 in stock (the one I tried on) and it had a make up mark on it. So I ordered it for delivery to my house.
I then even managed to get my underwear sorted - its not pretty underwear, its foundation underwear an all in one suck you in and put eveything in the right place kinda garment, they have tried to pretty it up with a couple of little bows, but really they shouldn't have bothered lol!!!
Now I need to find a seamstress who can lop about a foot off the end and put a little stitch in at the bust so that I am not spilling out of the dress.
I'm very pleased with it, its so bridal and so flattering. I did have a little wobble whilst wearing it that I looked ridiculous at almost 35, 2nd time getting married and having a cheapo wedding that I was buying a very bridal dress, but I think I was put off by my hair looking awful (full of static after trying on so many dresses)and a very hot and bothered body in general. Once I am all glammed up I will look fantastic lol!!
I have a pic on my iphone of the dress (well the top section) and I will post that tomorrow, but its not the best as I wasn't supposed to photograph it (the assistant said if she didn't see, she wouldn't be able to tell me off)
Today we are off to ikea and I am going to buy TSM (not in ikea obvs!), with all the excitement yesterday I totally forgot to buy it!