Friday, 25 March 2011

Are you being served

This is one of those layouts that just hasn't photographed very well, that and the green splodges that were probably ill advised too and hmmm not sure. My work desk is definatley not happy about the green splodges as I managed to spill my glimmer mist everywhere! Pah!

What I have been enjoying though is playing with my new promarkers and learning how to colour in (who knew that you needed to learn that!)

These are all digital images I got from tinternet for free - theres a wealth of them out there, just google a topic, hit image and then hit outline on the side bar! Amaze!!!

And now for something a little unsavoury - look away if you are of a delicate disposition. Major disaster last night and a reminder of why I love my hubby. It was 9pm and we were saying goodnight to the children, I realised that one of them had left a little something in the toilet and so I flushed it before I went to use it. The flaming toilet blocked BIG style. Now I have mentioned before that I am phobic of flooded toilets and I am worse if I see it happening. So I am off on a major panic attack which included me running into the hall way screaming and doing a funny little jog/jig on the spot, the kids thought this highly amusing but Jason knows that I get very frightned so he stepped into the breech whilst I attached myself to the bedroom ceiling with my finger nails.

Half an hour later and he is still on his hands and knees, rubber gloved up and stuck trying to dislodge the offending article. I should mention now that my children are not Jason's children, he is however an amazing stepdad and has fathered them brilliantly in the last 6 years, but dealing with this was above and beyond really. I felt really bad that I couldn't deal with this myself but it took me 15 mins till I could come into the hallway.

And then Google came to the rescue and armed with a mop that had a carrier bag attached to the head and a couple of thrusts and woooosh problem gone! - It was my idea to google and I found the solution so I am maintaining that I dealt with the flooded toilet LOL.

Jason rocks!


  1. Now I know what your facebook post was about!

    Lovely colourful creations. I love colouring in!

  2. Emma that's awful! Glad it's sorted now.
    I feel the same about Ade. He has to deal with the kid's sick and dog poo on the bottom of their shoes as I can't.
    I guess they do have their good point : )
    Love your page x


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